Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Pied Piper of New Journalism

Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse, who is a resident of Florida, tells how he attempted to warn the school board about what was going on in Broward County at the time of the Trayvon Martin case. I was not a Treehouse reader then, but I sure am now. The work Sundance has done on the FISA-gate matters has been superb.
And it wasn’t just Trayvon Martin, there were hundreds of similar actions taken by conflicted School Resource Officers – totaling thousands of crimes over the course of just the first few years of these programs (2010 through 2013).

CTH contacted the Miami-Dade School District, every single school board member, and the Broward County School District – to warn them of what was taking place.

We provided thousands of pages of sworn affidavits and transcribed testimony from law enforcement. We spent several thousand dollars locating, transcribing and assembling the documents and evidence; and hundreds more hours compiling all the information. –SEE HERE– We sent all of it to both school districts and both school superintendents.

Their response: “go away”.

The school board’s in Miami-Dade and Broward County had created a disastrous scheme and it didn’t take long to see where this was going. The scheme was supported by President Obama’s federal education policy, and executive orders –SEE HERE– and people like Jesse Jackson –SEE HERE– In August of 2012 President Obama issuing an “executive order” establishing the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence.

Broward County, even went one step further. They stopped arresting students and then changed the policy of suspension.

Follow a simple timeline: ♦In 2011/2012 Broward County School administration made a policy decision to block the arrests of students in order to improve their education statistics. ♦In 2013 that same school board was warned what was happening as a result of that policy. ♦In 2015 the School doubled-down on the diversionary policies and allowed students to break the law, including physical violence, without legal consequence. ♦In January 2017 Nikolas Cruz criminally assaulted someone; again, law enforcement engagement was blocked by policy. ♦A year later in February 2018 Cruz killed seventeen students.
Read more here.

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