Monday, February 19, 2018

Plain talk

From Oregon Muse:

"You know the idiot who shot up that school in Florida last week? He broke the law. In fact, he broke a bunch of laws. This is why he is called a "criminal". Criminals break laws. They do not abide by them. So, in the wake of the shootings, why do people, politicians mainly, want to pass more laws? What do they think they're accomplishing? Is the next psycho who gets ahold of a gun suddenly going to put it back down and say whoa, wait, I can't shoot up a bunch of kids because that would be against the law? That's not how criminals think. Because criminals are, by definition, law-breakers. So they will break the new law just like they've broken the other laws that are already on the books. Come on, this isn't rocket science."
(h/t Candace Owens)

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