Friday, February 02, 2018

Pelosi releases a statement on the Nunes memo; Comey whines some more on Twitter

Nancy Pelosi has released a statement on the Nunes memo. Ace of Spades comments:
1. She says that the memo does not "protect sources and methods." The only sources mentioned in the memo are:

a) Christopher Steele, who we already knew about

b) FusionGPS, who we already knew about


c) Michael Isikoff's article for Yahoo News, which was of course a publicly-available article -- we just didn't know the fucking FBI and DOJ used that article to "corroborate" the Steele memo (despite that article being based on what Steele told Isikoff!!!)

As far as the "methods" exposed -- yes, a major method of the FBI and DOJ was indeed exposed. That method is called "Lying to the court."

I do not think that is an approved method of intelligence gathering, nor do I think the national security interests are well-served by keeping that "method" ongoing and secret.

Seems to me that this is the sort of method that would be approved of by Red Nan's friend, Vladimir Putin.

And look at this asshole:

James Comey

That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.

11:47 AM - Feb 2, 2018

What classified information was revealed? It was scrubbed by all agencies for classified information.

Also, this was all done on the up-and-up -- it was voted to be published by Congress, and then given to the President, who has declassification authority, for review.

Say, Jimmy, you know who did leak classified information but who did not do so legally and who does not have declassification authority?

You did, asshole. And I'll cheer when a special prosecutor is appointed to put your ass in jail.
Go here to read demented Nancy's comments on the memo

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