Friday, February 23, 2018

He's got his alibi all ready

My two sons attend Santa Fe High School here in New Mexico. They are home today because the superintendent of the public schools notified us that someone has made a school shooting threat on social media.

When Obama and Holder were running things in America, they wanted to do something about the incarceration rate of minorities. One of their ideas was to encourage school systems not to report criminal behavior to law enforcement. Instead, they have a "teen court," which comes up with a plan for each young person who engages in criminal behavior. Thereby, the school system gets recognition by reporting their statistics to the federal government showing very few students being arrested and entering the criminal justice system. Broward County, Florida, where 17 students were slaughtered recently, had a very similar system.

My son reposted this Snapchat message from a friend of his, supposedly also containing the school shooting threat encircled in red.

Notice the would-be shooter has his alibi all ready, portraying himself as the victim, therefore justifying what he plans to do.

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