Friday, February 02, 2018

Has Juan Williams morphed into Hillary Clinton?

Katherine Herridge breaks down for us the key facts brought out by the Nunes memo.

Kimberley: a glaring attempt to deceive the FISA Court. They purposely withheld the information concerning the political origins of the dossier.

Juan "doesn't understand," doesn't "get it," and it's "comical."

Jesse Watters demolishes Juan's sarcasm. Juan says Jesse is "desperate."

Greg calls it a "nerd Super Bowl." But, it is clear to him that there is a "mosaic of malfeasance" and collusion between the Democrats and the FBI and DOJ. Jesse reminds Juan that Hillary paid for the surveillance of the Trump campaign. Juan replies, "So what?" Finally, Juan resorts to "What difference does it make?"

Kimberley: This goes to the integrity of the whole judicial process! Juan shakes his head in disagreement (at least he is not shouting over her, like he did to Jesse).

Juan reads Comey's tweet, and asks Jesse to comment. Jesse shines in his reply.

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