Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Getting closer

Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse informs us of a letter written today to perhaps as many as 20 members of the Obama administration, asking each to reply to a series of questions. Here are the questions.

Sundance adds,
The Obama political intelligence apparatus (DOJ, FBI, ODNI, CIA and DoS) are all fundamentally wrapped up in the political objectives behind the Clinton-Steele dossier and all the uses therein. The outlier was the NSA and Director Admiral Mike Rogers; again, more evidence of why the internal intelligence apparatus were demanding Director Rogers be fired from the administration.

...The Clinton-Steele Dossier is now exposed as the foundational document behind a fraudulent FISA surveillance warrant. As such Phase-two includes exposing everyone who is associated with the assembly, use, promotion and distribution of the Clinton-Steele Dossier.

In the original reporting (Dec ’17) Strzok and Page were removed in July/August 2017 as a result of notification from Inspector General Michael Horowitz. This is the same time-frame when DNI Dan Coats and AG Jeff Sessions announced a special DOJ-FBI task force that media ignored. It was August 2017 when Rod Rosenstein confirmed the task force was in place.

None of this appears coincidental. All of this activity is connected.
Read more here.

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