Wednesday, January 03, 2018

When will His Holiness speak up? When will he attempt to arrest and reverse the closure of churches and their conversion to mosques?

Mark Steyn writes today about Pope Francis's virtue signaling as all over Europe churches close while Mosques open.
And his slur on the people of Bethlehem is perplexing to me - because they are not the villains here but the victims: Bethlehem is where Herod embarked on the slaughter of the innocents.

The Islamization of Christendom is the biggest story of our time - one that will resonate down the centuries when we are gone and forgotten. And this Pope is on the wrong side of this issue - unlike his predecessor, who understood its implications all too clearly. A decade ago, in America Alone, I noted "the future implicit in Cardinal Ratzinger's choice of name for his papacy: Benedict XVI":

Born in Umbria in 480, St Benedict was the man who ensured during the Dark Ages that the critical elements of Roman and Greek civilization were preserved and that, by infusing them with Christianity, they would emerge in a new and stronger form: the basis for Europe and western civilization. Referring to his namesake, Pope Benedict XVI once quoted a Benedictine motto: Succisa virescit – pruned, it grows again.

Pope Francis does not appear not much interested in pruning and re-growth. Imagine if Benedict had not resigned to become "Pope Emeritus". Imagine if we still had a vicar of Christ who understood the stakes, rather than one who sounds like any other run-of-the-mill social-justice EU prime minister. When will His Holiness speak up? When will he attempt to arrest and reverse the closure of churches and their conversion to mosques?

Pope Francis is
a foolish man taking refuge in modish fancies as Christianity is slaughtered in the lands of its birth and shrivels in the continent it made its home. Shame on him, and pity our children and grandchildren who will have to live in such a world.
Read more here.

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