Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Democrat platform: high taxes, censorship and killing babies

Andrew tells us that the conspiracy theory concept was invented by the CIA in 1967 as a way of discrediting people who suspected the CIA was involved in conspiracies. This information comes from Sharyl Attkisson's book Smear. They invented it for the smear artists. The public was then brainwashed to dismiss out of hand those labeled as conspiracy theorists.

I remember when I lived in Texas in the early 1960s the John Birch Society were considered conspiracy nuts for, among other things, plastering the state with billboards urging the US to get out of the UN!

Is anyone writing about what the Democrats did in the Senate yesterday? A bill was submitted to forbid women from aborting babies who are 20 weeks or older. Three Democrats voted for it, Senators Casey, Manchin and Donnelly. The rest voted against it and killed the bill. Two Republicans voted against it: Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

Andrew says Democrats stand for high taxes, censorship and killing babies.

The Nunes memo. Whom do you trust, the people who want full disclosure or the people, including the press, who want to keep the information secret?

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