Monday, January 22, 2018

Rogers a hero in this story. Priestap is the one being thrown under the bus!

Sundance writes at The Conservative Treehouse
ODNI Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey were foiled by NSA Director Mike Rogers telling president-elect Trump about the 2016 FBI/DOJ spy and surveillance operation on November 17th, 2016.

...Brennan testified that his specific intelligence product (CIA) was given to the FBI who were exclusively in charge of the “counter-intelligence investigation“. What’s happening there is John Brennan following James Comey by throwing FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, under the bus.

Reader Dan encapsulated it nicely in this paragraph:

[…] Brennan gave Comey/Priestap the investigative product -which had nothing to do with the Trump team- and Comey/Priestap used it to carry out Obama, Hillary, and Susan Rice’s dirty work for them. Of course Brennan was in on the whole thing and is now saving his own skin by saying ” I briefed ya’ll on everything I had with regards to Russia, anything additional that arose please talk to my buddy Comey”.

...The entire construct of the “Trump-Russia Investigation” was the political use of a claimed investigation in order to conduct surveillance on candidate Trump; and in the aftermath of the election weaken President-Elect Trump while simultaneously providing cover for the surveillance already conducted. There simply is no ‘there’ there because there’s no substantive evidence to support a “Trump Campaign Collusion Narrative”.

Congress was kept in the dark during this (July 2016-November 2016) operation because the surveillance relied on innuendo, rumor, gossip etc, the “Clinton/Steele Dossier”. The unlawful operation needed the cover of a FISA Court approval; in the aftermath of the election the investigation itself morphed into a political need; the substance was non-existent and immaterial in relation to the creation of a narrative and to provide cover.

If FBI Director James Comey had notified congress following normal protocol, via the Gang of Eight oversight, the counter-intel operation, and subsequent narrative, would have been harder to manufacture as details would have to be consistent with evidence. That was the benefit to keeping any oversight away while weaponizing the FBI/DOJ.

The trouble for James Comey and Bill Priestap is Brennan’s admission that he gave everything he had to the FBI. Brennan specifically says he gave his intelligence product to the FBI counterintelligence operation, Bill Priestap.

Brennan threw the hot-potato to Comey and Priestap and created plausible deniability for his role in a constructing a political narrative; a false narrative.

Additionally, within that same congressional appearance, John Brennan refuted the story of the week surrounding President Trump trying to influence the intelligence community.

It’s not accidental that Brennan’s exit plan was facilitated by a member of congress John Brennan admits to briefing in 2016, ‘Gang-of-Eight’ member, Adam Schiff.

That strategic positioning by John Brennan is essentially why CTH doesn’t focus too much attention on him within the rapidly unfolding events. The only thing that could trip-up Brennan now would be for Priestap to feel the vice-closing and turn against the upper-tier conspiracy leadership to save himself.
Read more here.

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