Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mueller interviews Sessions and Comey, NBC helps North Korea spread propaganda, NFL allows players to wear socks depicting cops as pigs, but refuses a "Please Stand" ad from Vets, Hawaii's Governor couldn't remember his Twitter password so citizens were not informed of false scare for 17 minutes!

The one Leftie on the panel, Juan Williams, provides us with news I had not seen on the sources I trust. Mueller has interviewed both Attorney General Sessions and former FBI Director Comey.

Greg: We have a 17-day bathroom break between the government shutdown and whatever is going to happen on February 8. Democrats put illegal aliens before American citizens.

NBC is accused of helping North Korea spread propaganda. Check out Lester Holt at a North Korean ski area, with lots of North Koreans in shiny new ski clothes, while millions of their citizens are starving! Greg Gutfeld points out that this is a trick used by other Communist countries: invite an American celebrity into the country and treat them well, so that they become advocates for the Commies.

Kimberley informs us that North Korea's army is starving and being told to steal food from starving farmers.

Juan points out that the South Korean leader Moon's decision to allow North and South Korean Olympians to march together at the Olympics is not necessarily helpful to America's efforts to pressure North Korea to get rid of their nuclear weapons.

Jesse points out that the NFL allows players to wear socks with cops dressed up as pigs, but disallows an ad from a veterans group that was entitled Please Stand!

Greg points out that the NFL will reject an ad like that, but will approve of just about anything to run in their other commercials.

Greg informs us that the Hawaiian governor took 17 minutes to inform Hawaiians that the alert of an incoming nuclear bomb was fake. His excuse? I couldn't remember my Twitter password! Greg asked, "Is this state run by teenagers? He answers his own question. "No, it's worse! It's run by Democrats, which basically are teenagers with power!" One more jab by Greg. "Maybe they should think twice about criticizing Trump's tweets. At least he knows how!"

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