Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Media corruption

It's about time somebody told this truth:
The Problem Isn’t Just Corruption at the FBI and Main Justice, It’s Also The Media…
That is the headline Sundance puts on his latest post at The Conservative Treehouse.
Over the past year we have learned that a significant number of people within the DOJ and FBI have been the source of leaks to the media. Almost all of those leaks built on lies.

Reports have confirmed that FBI Director James Comey, his chief legal counsel, James Baker as well as his chief-of-staff James Rybicki have all be leaking to media outlets.

In addition, FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ/FBI Attorney Lisa Page have been identified as leaking stories to Politico, the Washington Post and New York Times. Adding to that mix, Asst. AG Sally Yates, Asst. AG John Carlin and a host of Main Justice officials were also participating in leaks; all leaks based on self-interest.

DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr were both in close contact with Glenn Simpson and Fusion-GPS, and that entity has admitted openly to shopping -and selling- stories to the media, under the auspices of ‘anonymous sources’. Those financially distributed Fusion-GPS stories went to a host of friendly and ideological media outlets.

In total, hundreds of leaks from the Obama White House via, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice and the larger intelligence community staff, add up to thousands of media reports which were then re-reported by dozens more media outlets filing their reports under citations of “according to a report in (fill-in-blank)“.

...Nothing within their collective need to will-an-outcome will change the media’s proximity to facts when the truthful story behind the DOJ and FBI corruption is finally exposed. The media are so far away from the place where this story ends, they have no inherent capability to even begin to travel in the opposite direction, toward the truth.

...Introspection of the level needed to admit their prior gullibility and attempt recovery would be akin to Al Gore admitting to the foundational lies of man-made global warming.
Read more here.

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