Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Four other times in our recent history where documents mysteriously disappeared

At Breitbart, John Nolte reports,
America’s federal government and its extra-legal Deep State have once again proven to be hopelessly corrupt with the news over the weekend that the FBI lost five months worth of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Both are senior FBI officials who, while allegedly engaged in an extra-marital affair, traded a number of disturbing text messages about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Nolte then reminds us of four other times in recent history that documents mysteriously disappeared.
Whoops! Hillary Clinton Deletes 33,000 Emails After Receiving Subpoena
On March 4, 2015, Hillary Clinton received a subpoena to turn over all Benghazi-related emails.

Three weeks later, she had 33,000 emails deleted that were on her secret home server.

This was more than two years after she left her job as Barack Obama’s secretary of state.

Whoops! Those 30 Subpoenaed Benghazi Emails
Although former-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assured everyone that she handed over all work-related emails, 30 emails directly related to Benghazi were eventually recovered.

Whoops! IRS Executive Lois Lerner’s 24,000 Subpoenaed Emails “Accidentally” Lost
Lois Lerner was in charge of the tax-exempt department of the Internal Revenue Service while that unit persecuted Obama’s political enemies in the Tea Party movement, which basically hamstrung them with blizzards of paperwork, intrusive questions, and anything else that would keep their focus off of political action that might damage Obama’s re-election chances in 2012.

While Congress was investigating the scandal, we learned that — oops! — 24,000 Lerner emails were “accidentally” deleted in 2014, even though congress had issued a subpoena a full nine months earlier ordering the IRS not to delete any communications.

Whoops! Hillary Email Archive Lost In the Mail
A 2013 archive of Hillary’s infamous emails was lost in the mail. The archive was on a laptop and thumb drive and just … disappeared.
Read more here.

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