Sunday, January 21, 2018

Exposing the corruption and conspiracy

Sundance reports at The Conservative Treehouse,
...The entire enterprise of exposing the corruption and conspiracy has just begun.

CTH readers are well ahead of the entire storyline; however, for the rest of America -including a massive part the voting electorate- they have no idea what’s coming.

Devin Nunes is just the beginning. Batting Order:

First-up: Devin Nunes (Chairman Intel Committee, Full I/C Oversight)
Second: Chuck Grassley (Chairman Senate Judiciary – DOJ/FBI Oversight)
Third: Bob Goodlatte (Chairman House Judiciary – DOJ Oversight)
Clean-up: Michael Horowitz (DOJ Inspector General)
•House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is focused on the FISA abuse; and overall abuse from the larger intelligence community (FBI, CIA, ODNI and NSA). The FISA-702 angle is his leverage to reveal it.

•Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is focused on the Dossier fraud; and the overall DOJ and FBI corruption. The Steele Dossier is his leverage to reveal it.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley completely predicted that “hoodwinked by the Russians” would be the fall-back position by Clinton and the FBI/DOJ insider team as it relates to their connection to the dossier content.

Accordingly, Senator Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham sent the FBI a referral for criminal prosecution of Christopher Steele based on statements from FBI agents who attributed statements to Steele; those second-hand accounts conflict with known evidence about the dossier content. –SEE HERE– Grassley is calling the FBI’s bluff and demanding they investigate the horrible British fibber while knowing the fibber isn’t Steele – it’s the FBI.

•House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte is focused on the FBI and DOJ corruption; and his leverage is the Office of Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, and the year-long IG investigation that just began turning over 1.2 million pages of investigative documents.

Remember, this entire process didn’t begin with the Nunes memo, it began back in March and April of 2017 when Chairman Nunes discovered the unlawful unmasking and FISA surveillance activity; and the seeds of that discovery go back to March 2016 when National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers noticed the unlawful FISA-702(16)(17) searches.

In March 2017 Devin Nunes was stuck in a legal conundrum due to the classified nature of the information and the fact that declassification by the DOJ was adverse to their interests. The DOJ was the entity carrying out the prior unlawful action contained within the classified evidence viewed by Devin Nunes.

A plan was developed.

In April and May 2017 Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and NSA Director Admiral Rogers, began assembling a pathway for Devin Nunes to climb out of that intelligence box. ODNI Dan Coats declassified the FISA Court opinion, and that opened the door for Horowitz, Grassley, Goodlatte and Nunes to question the content therein that circled the unlawful action of the DOJ and FBI.

Where we are today is a step in the investigative process that is an outcome of months of work by Coats, Rogers and Horowitz to extract Chairman Devin Nunes and bring all prior DOJ and FBI corruption to the surface.
Read more here.

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