Sunday, January 21, 2018

Covering their tracks

Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse comments on today's news that the FBI was unable to provide text messages between high-level agents Peter Strozlk and Lisa Page from December 14th, 2016 to May 17th, 2017, the exact day that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was assigned to lead the Russia collusion probe.
As CTH has previously outlined the same “small group” inside the DOJ and FBI, during the 2015/2016 operation to assist Hillary Clinton and conduct political surveillance upon candidate Donald Trump, were transferred to the Mueller probe by Chief FBI Legal Counsel James Baker. FBI Director Christopher Wray relieved James Baker of all duties last month.

The attempts by the former high level FBI officials to avoid transparency by “losing” the text messages is a clear sign of consciousness of guilt; and points to the efforts they undertook in 2017 to cover their tracks.

...♦All indications are that James Baker was/is part of the FBI/DOJ “small group”, the co-conspirators behind the 2016 plan to assist Hillary Clinton with her email investigation. James Baker was one of the participants in the wording of the highly dubious exoneration script read by FBI Director James Comey:

Following the successful operation to cover for Hillary Clinton in the email investigation. The FBI/DOJ “small group” moved on to create the 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation known as the “Trump Project”.

The “Trump Project” was a thinly veiled political spying operation monitoring and wiretapping candidate Donald Trump with the use of weaponized FBI and DOJ FISA warrants.

March 2016: •NSA discovers FISA surveillance. Compliance Audit begins. April 2016: NSA Mike Rogers Shuts down contractor use of DOJ/FBI intelligence database. •Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, visits the White House. •The Clinton Campaign and DNC hire Fusion GPS to conduct ‘Opposition Research’, with a Russian emphasis. •Fusion GPS hires Nellie Ohr who specializes in Russian-centric counterintelligence. •Nellie Ohr then contacts MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write a Russian Dossier. A month later, May 2016: Nellie Ohr’s husband inside the DOJ, Bruce Ohr, is then working with FBI counterintelligence head Peter Strzok. •The same month Strozk and the “small group” are crafting the exoneration letter. •By June 2016: Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr and DOJ Attorney Lisa Page then apply for the first FISA warrant. •The first memo from contractor Chris Steele is returned to Fusion GPS. •In July 2016 the official counterintelligence operation “The Trump Project” begins.

...In the aftermath of the election they didn’t expect to lose, the “small group” behind the politicized operations shifted their efforts toward creating the Special Counsel Mueller Investigation, many of them remain there today.

James Baker is a key. As a known friend and confidant of both James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Robert Mueller, Baker would have been one of the primary FBI investigative and legal resources used to guide and assist the Special Counsel with who to place on his team. The goal of the “small group” was/is to shield their prior activity from sunlight.

As time has progressed, and the plot details have become evident, it is increasingly clear the entire purpose of creating Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe was not to investigate some nefarious Russian election interference; but rather with a Trump victory the same people who weaponized the FBI and DOJ to conduct the “Trump Project” needed control.

The “small group” needed a shield or firewall to protect them from sunlight. The Mueller probe is that shield.

Those who are seeking answers to the most critical questions began running into the officials within the scheme using the Mueller probe as a defensive shield so they do not have to answer investigative questions from congress. This motive is now the primary purpose and benefit of the Mueller probe.

With hindsight it is now clear why the Democrats, the intelligence operatives, and their media allies were so adamant a Special Counsel probe be initiated. They planned to use Mueller’s investigation as a shield all along.

This shifted purpose is why those behind the Obama administration, the “small group” plot, the network of co-conspirators and their allies in the media, demanded the Mueller probe remain untouched.
Read more here.

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