Tuesday, January 02, 2018

"By the end of this month the sunlight will be so intense their worries about losing invites to the best cocktail parties will be overcome by the enormity of the truth."

More from Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse:
There’s a lot of people worried the sheer scale and totality of the FBI and DOJ corruption will be buried by the Swamp scum. I’m not one of them. As a ninja level cynic who has spent so much time investigating the deep weeds of DC corruption, this time I can see a difference.

The Bigger media voices will eventually catch up to the story. Right now the scale of the story is so large, and the consequences so damaging to the Republic, they are scared to call it out… but that won’t last too much longer. Unless they are genuinely all paid political operatives of the UniParty, by the end of this month the sunlight will be so intense their worries about losing invites to the best cocktail parties will be overcome by the enormity of the truth.

When the righteous march past the praetorian guard media carrying pitchforks, feathers and buckets of brutally obvious truth; yes, even the ‘CONservative’ professional media guardians will have to admit they can’t defend the protected class from this one. Their own need for relevance will mean they’ll eventually admit, the baby is damn ugly.

If a little corner of the internet can lay out the raw data, and all of that data only points in one direction, yes, the total “they” (media, Congress, and our President) all know this same stuff you have been reading. More importantly, as uncomfortable as admissions might be, they know it is real and they know what it means.

If we can put it together, so can they.

So too can Robert Mueller. He knows.
Sundance goes on to disparage Trey Gowdy and praise Jim Jordan. Interesting stuff here.

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