Monday, January 29, 2018

An imaginary catastrophe!

For the Left, this last year has been an absolute imaginary catastrophe!

Christopher Wray read the FISA memo yesterday, and today Andrew McCabe is gone!

How are we going to come together globally? One way is money. Another way is imperialism. The spread of the freeest culture can be a good thing. A third way is ideas. Bad ideas can be incredibly persistent, even when good ideas succeed.

Donald Trump does not hide the fact that his priority is to Make America Great Again. In his Davos speech he urges leaders of other countries to have a priority of making their own countries great. He believes in competition. Tension and free expression and individuality!

Despicable George Soros looks upon Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un as the same guy! He expects (hopes for and funds) "a Democratic landslide in 2018."

The Left promotes unity, conformity, silence.

Tomorrow night is Donald Trump's first State of the Union address. The Daily Wire will cover it.

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