Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Twitter Tidbits

Sarah Abdallah tweeted,
Merry Christmas from Syria’s Aleppo, free of ISIS and Al-Qaeda jihadists. A beautiful sight that won’t be seen on mainstream media.

Security Studies group tweeted,
Christians in Mosul Celebrate First Post-ISIS Christmas Mass in Years.

HuffPost tweeted,
Former CIA director Brennan rips Trump's 'narcissistic, vengeful' behavior on UN vote.

Obianuju Ekeocha replied,
President Obama didn’t only threaten but immediately pulled funding from African countries that passed laws to define marriage as between one man and one woman. His administration punished us for not kneeling before the rainbow flag.
THAT was narcissistic & vengeful.

Phillip Schuyler tweeted,
Barack Obama used the American presidency to protect one group of terrorists (Hezbollah) from receiving justice to help a larger, more dangerous group of death-to-America chanters (Iran) acquire nuclear weapons.

And finally, a homeless man is honored for rescuing a female officer who was trying to subdue a criminal.

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