Monday, December 25, 2017

Thinking for ourselves, but being respectful

Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall,
Santa stuffed coal into the Democrats’ fishnet stockings this year, as well as all sorts of other fossil fuels. The President turned on the Keystone pipeline, unleashed our miners, and told the environmentalist whiners to go frack themselves. Growing up near San Francisco, a town memorably described by (I believe) comedian Bobby Slayton as “The city that makes its own gravy,” I got used to goateed, over-tatted progressive doofuses who imagined that the electricity that powered their iPads and automatic bongs came from magical windmills that didn’t ever dice n’ slice bald eagles. Of course, chopping up symbols of U.S. strength would probably be a plus in their beady, bloodshot eyes.

But the point is that liberals were never really about “clean power” – they were about outsourcing the dirty messy icky work of generating power to those lesser mortals out there in Real America. That is, until they realized that those lesser mortals out there in Real America were happy and prospering thanks to the energy industry, and we sure can’t have red staters being happy and prosperous. Heck, if you work and support yourself, you don’t need coastal liberals’ largesse, guidance, and control. Hence their hatred of fossil fuels, which is really their hatred of normal Americans. The progressives try to disguise the fact that environmentalism is really just a way to stick it to the red rubes by wrapping their carbonophobia in the sacred doctrines of their Weird Weather Cult.
Read more here.

Though I love to read most of Schlichter's posts, I do not agree that we should mock our liberal friends and relatives, as he advises later in this post. It's Christmas! You know, that guy who told us to do unto others as we would have them do unto us! That means being respectful and kind, without abandoning our beliefs.

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