Thursday, December 21, 2017

Their cover-up is being uncovered

Kurt Schlichter takes a look in Town Hall at the Mueller investigation.
It’s a toss-up as to whether Mueller is too dumb or too arrogant to bother hiding his team’s indisputable conflicts of interest and manifestations of improper intent that should shock the conscience of any American with a shred of decency – a category that excludes the vast majority of the mainstream media, liberals, and the cheesy Never Trump weasels of Conservative, Inc., who yearn for a return to the days of olde when people paid attention to them and booked passage on their sad sailing adventures.

...So, Mr. President, please don’t fire this guy. Let him stagger on for a while longer, destroying the façade of credibility our establishment betters thought they had constructed and that forms the basis of their shabby identities. He’s got nothing, and he will always have nothing, because the idiotic salve for the suckers that was Hillary’s excuse for losing to you – THE RUSSIANS DID IT! YEAH, UH, THE RUSSIANS! – was always a fraud, a way for that drunken aspiring tyrant and her coterie of slobbering courtiers to explain away their humiliating failure to beat you.

As the noose tightens on them – a noose they tied and slipped on themselves thinking they were going to use it on that infernal interloper – the endgame becomes clearer and clearer. The endgame is their own downfall. The dike is leaking like a sieve and the media liars no longer have enough fingers to plug all of the holes. You have senior FBI leaders taking out “insurance policies” against disfavored candidates being elected by the American people in the form of politicized and partisan investigations. You have these same bureaucrats with badges conspiring with a shady leftist oppo research group to fake evidence which they would then take to FISA judges to get warrants to let the Obama crew spy on the opposition. You have a special prosecutor who is grabbing potentially attorney-client emails because niceties like attorney-client privilege don’t matter when their establishment buddies’ personal power, position, and prestige are at stake.

Their cover-up is being uncovered, slowly, surely, relentlessly, despite the best efforts of their mainstream media bodyguard of lies. And they are afraid. Their panic accounts for the recent series of ridiculous provocations designed to psyche the president into firing Mueller and shutting down this prosecutorial Donner Party. Conning The Donald into precipitous action was their only hope, a ploy designed to create a martyr out of that sad-faced shrub.

...Don’t fire him, Mr. President, at least not yet. Do something even crueler. Let Mueller and his pack of Democrat clowns keep making fools of themselves.
Read more here.

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