Thursday, December 28, 2017

One man's theories about the crimes and corruption we are witnessing

Imperator_Rex gives us his thoughts on
a tale of a failed sting operation, a dodgy dossier, illegal spying & American heroism, fighting dangerous people.

Let's examine how Obama & Clinton, with their cronies, abused power to try & take out an innocent man, Donald J Trump.
First up : THE FAILED STING OPERATION - infiltration of Trump's campaign team.

George Papadopolous (GP) was used by Fusion GPS to infiltrate Trump's campaign and to set up a meeting with Russian insiders.

There are other explanations - he was being wired by FBI to get to Trump, or wired by Trump to get to whoever was trying to set him up.

...Paul Manafort was used by the Podesta Group and/or Fusion GPS to infiltrate Trump's campaign, for the same purpose as GP.

...Trump KNEW Manafort had betrayed him.
He knew GP & Manafort were lickspittle scumbags, hired to burrow inside his campaign.
Trump knew about the sting, Fusion GPS, the Podesta Group. And the illegal spying, too.

And he knew McCabe & Comey were dirty. Also, that the whole thing was being masterminded by Clinton & Obama.
How did he know? Because of this man.

General Michael Flynn. Patriot & hero.
121. That's my opinion. See, Trump & Flynn had known each other well. Since at least early 2015.
122. Flynn had been an informal advisor on his team since mid 2015. Which seems odd for a Democrat, does it not?
123., actually. See, Flynn & Trump shared a loathing for the criminals who were destroying America.
124. Flynn loathed Obama, who he regarded as a liar & traitor. I'd say he had come to despise the Clintons & their Foundation, as well.
125. Obama repeatedly tried to undermine, smear & oust him.
126. Flynn had served the American people in military & defense for 30+ years. FULL sec clearance, too. A true patriot.
127.In Aug 2014, when Obama finally removed him, Flynn knew all about the crimes going on. With his IC network, this would have continued.
128. So I think he told Trump he was being set up when Manafort started his overtures. I think he picked that the kid was a plant, too.
129. Flynn is a genius spook. He would have also realized Comey & McCabe weren't disclosing what they knew to Trump.
130. From the moment Manafort & GP started their infiltration, Trump KNEW EVERYTHING. And has ever since.
131. And that's when Trump & Flynn, together at first, but soon with Bannon & Sessions, started planning THE STORM.
132. As we know, the criminals had FAILED. Donald J Trump was elected POTUS. A miracle.
133. Obama & Clinton kept going. They tried to undermine Trump's election, inauguration & his presidency.
134. They published the dossier on 12 January. Predictably, it failed.
135. And all this time, Trump knew EXACTLY what was going on. And he planned to take them all down, one by one.
137. The Clinton campaign & Obama administration colluded with Putin's people, as well as /...
138. /..Congress, to undermine Donald J Trump's campaign, inauguration & presidency.
139. They funded, planned and coordinated a campaign together, to take him down.
140. Terrible, terrible crimes were committed to do it. Treason, sedition, subversion, racketeering, perjury, the list is endless.
141. Lives were ruined, a people divided. Marriages and families wrecked. All because of a simple lie.
142. That lie? Trump & Putin/Russia colluded to steal an election and give America to Russia.
143. Can you see the scale & gravity of what Clinton & Obama did?
144. These people almost destroyed the United States of America.
145. The objective was POWER. Clinton as POTUS was in everyone's interests.
146. Hillary & Bill Clinton, using The Clinton Foundation, had become insanely rich selling out the country with 'pay for play'.
147. Vladimir Putin needed Clinton. He was achieving critical strategic objectives and had leverage over the Clintons & Obama.
148. Obama needed Clinton. He had compromised his Presidency & sold out the country to protect the Clintons.
149. He was also a fervent anti-American ideologue and globalist. Clinton's agenda was perfect for him.
150. The DNC & Podesta Group, who needed the gravy train of money for access to keep going.
151. Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lynch and Obama administration lackeys ALL needed Clinton.
152. Even the MSM / Clinton media proxies, who had unique access to the inner sanctum of power, needed her.
153. Why did they think they'd get away with it? Hubris. The rule of law meant nothing to them. They mocked it & the American people.
154. Remember, they were CERTAIN that Clinton would win. Or that Trump would lose. This was a risk-free game.
155. The trouble was, in Trump they came up against a genius. Yes, I said it - and that's what I think.
156. Drunk on power, Obama & Clinton forgot the law of unintended consequences. Now THEY must pay the price.
157. There was a time when honor existed. You'd leave traitors in a room with a loaded pistol & a bottle of scotch.
158. But these criminals have no honor. Trump has hard choices ahead, but to restore public trust and belief in /..
159. /..American greatness, harsh punishment will need to be meted out. To the ringleaders, most of all.
160. If there's any man who will do it, it's Donald J Trump, POTUS.
Read more here.

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