Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Oh my gosh, now we have to figure out how to compete with America!

Tom Maguire writes at Just One Minute,
As further evidence that they have fully lost the plot, NY Times reporters make a clear case that Trump has no shot at being the next President of the European Union:

U.S. Tax Bill May Inspire Cuts Globally, While Fueling Trade Tensions

To President Trump and congressional Republicans, the overhaul of the tax code that became law on Friday will make the United States a better place to do business. To the rest of the world, it has the potential to challenge the global economic order, creating an uneven playing field and setting off a race among countries to cut corporate taxes.

The overhaul is already threatening economic relations, adding to concerns that Mr. Trump is advancing a nationalistic agenda at the expense of other countries.

Weird. On a normal day we are told the tax bill is a giveaway to the rich that will do nothing for the working class. But today we learn that world leaders are concerned it will lead to investments and business activity in the United States that would otherwise occur elsewhere and Trump is to blame. That's a heckuva message: Europe and China wouldn't have to worry about US competition if Hillary were in charge!

For the umpty-bumpth time I am reminded I will never have sufficient intellectual agility to be a progressive.

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