Friday, December 01, 2017

Not about to quit

Jack Cashill writes at American Thinker,
...To retain their liberal viewers, the major media have to create stories that will hold the audience's attention. This explains why Adam Entous, the national security reporter for the Washington Post, has hammered out more than 50 stories on potential Trump collusion with Russia, a collusion that would not be criminal even if it were true.

What does Entous have to show for his work? "Our reporting has not taken us to a place where I would be able to say with any confidence that the result of it is going to be the president being guilty of being in cahoots with the Russians," he told a Project Veritas undercover. "There's no evidence of that that I've seen so far."

A few months back, CNN's Van Jones told a Project Veritas undercover, "The Russia thing is just a big nothingburger." CNN producer John Bonified elaborated, "I think the president is probably right to say, like, 'Look, you are witch-hunting me. You have no smoking gun; you have no real proof.'"

Patiently and quietly, Project Veritas journalists have been stripping the mainstream media of even the illusion of objectivity. To be taken seriously, their newsrooms need that illusion as much as a dirty cop needs his badge.

There is only one organization willing and able to blow their cover. Although the dominant media will do everything in their power to stop them, the scrappy guerrilla journalists of Project Veritas are not about to quit.
Read more here.

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