Sunday, December 24, 2017

Moving forward toward indictments

Further insight and explanation from Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse on the progress of investigations into wrongdoing at the FBI and DOJ.
Chairman Goodlatte is positioning the Judiciary Committee to collect the evidence from the Inspector General, in order to launch a Special Prosecutor investigation based on the documents (evidence) within the lengthy OIG report.

This creates a parallel option for Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

♦Option #1) the Special Prosecutor goes forward toward indictments based on the OIG findings; a massive year-long investigation.

♦Option #2) A new DOJ investigation assigned toward criminal indictments, again using the OIG findings from Horowitz; the massive year-long investigation.

Both options become fully available after Inspector General Horowitz releases his report (date unknown). However, prior to Horowitz releasing his full report, the first prosecutorial option is available based on the interim findings, the 1.2 million pages due on January 15th.

Both routes, a special prosecutor investigation assigned by congress, or a criminal probe opened by Sessions, end in a place where indictments are likely. The difference between both routes available is the time-line. However, neither investigation will require too much time because IG Horowitz will be providing almost all of the underlying evidence.

Either the congressional Special Prosecutor approach, or the DOJ prosecutor approach, will only require the prosecutor to conduct interviews to enhance the massive amount of evidence already provided by IG Horowitz.

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