Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Fireworks ahead in mid-January!

Sundance reminds us at The Conservative Treehouse,
...On January 15th, 2018, the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz will deliver approximately 1.2 million pages of documentation and evidence gathered in the year-long investigation into the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, by senior leadership and upper-level career leadership lawyers and bureaucrats.

In addition to Horowitz, and generally overlooked by media, there has been another internal FBI and DOJ task force quietly gathering information over the Intelligence Community, including those qualified to receive “classified intelligence” within Congress, since July/August 2016.

There’s no doubt the “Leak Task Force” has been monitoring all of the committee actions and releases by people they are suspecting of leaks. There’s a solid argument to be made that several leaks that led to false media reporting were actually part of task-force sting operations intended to expose those leakers.

Thankfully, no-one was paying much attention to either the IG investigation or the leak task-force until recently. The MSM completely overlooked their existence until early December reports on FBI conduct indicated the IG had not only collected information, but the investigative discoveries actually led to damage-control reactions by the DOJ and FBI.

Examples of damage-control include reassignments of FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok; FBI/DOJ lawyer, Lisa Page; DOJ Deputy Attorney, Bruce Ohr; and FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker.

These moves, especially the reassignment of FBI’s top lawyer James Baker, indicate the severity of the information gathered by the Inspector General. These are not insignificant personnel shifts.
Read more here.

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