Saturday, December 30, 2017

Can we make a dent in the corruption?

More from the amazing Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse:
Let us spend some productive time actually thinking about the processes of how to eliminate the entrenched tentacles of the corrupt deep state, specifically surrounding the politicization of the FBI and Dept of Justice, with a reasonable amount of intellectual honesty toward the scale of the endeavor.

It is entirely understandable that people are frustrated because the administrative agents within the Deep State apparatus appear to operate in a system, of their creation, that allows them to operate above the rule of law. Righteous voices rising up in frustration demanding action; wholesale destruction of those usurping agents with extreme prejudice.

...If you spend time looking at the scale and scope, I mean honestly looking at how deeply enmeshed those ideological entities are within the system, you would also have to admit the problem is not just a matter of eliminating a few dozen DOJ lawyers and FBI agents. The issue is much bigger. Example:

•Congressional investigators ask for documents. •The current management of the FBI and DOJ refuse to turn over those documents. •Frustration explodes.

However, it is important to remember the House and Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committees contain both Democrats and Republicans. Any investigative information released to any congressional committee immediately becomes information for corrupt political operatives (Example: Adam Schiff) to share with their corrupt ideological allies inside the FBI and DOJ who are at risk from the investigative material.

Those corrupt FBI and DOJ officials are then tipped-off to the evidence that might be used against them. The corrupt political operatives within Congress, and the corrupt political agents inside the FBI and DOJ, then have the opportunity to shape, modify and organize the information for their corrupt political operatives in the media.

...The FBI was politicized and corrupted (Obama/Mueller/Comey).
The DOJ was politicized and corrupted (Obama/Holder/Lynch).
The CIA was politicized and corrupted (Obama/Brennan/Morell).
The ODNI was politicized and corrupted (Obama/Clapper).
The FBI counterintelligence units were politicized and corrupted (Comey/McCabe/Baker/Priestap/Strzok/Page).
The DOJ National Security Division was politicized and corrupted (Lynch/Yates/Carlin/McCord/Laufman/Evans/Weigman/Ohr); along with all of their colleagues, staff and support teams who willfully participated in the corruption.
The oversight committees inside congress are politicized and corrupted by ideological politicians who act to defend the interests of all the above.

Heck, the IRS was weaponized against American citizens; and by their own admission the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) was politicized and corrupted by the fraudulent and misleading information presented by the highest level FBI and DOJ officials – and then later used for political benefit and unlawful intention.

...The key to defeating all the professional swamp-dwellers is to: first, accept the scale of who your enemy is; and second, have all the prosecutorial systems strategically in place prior to the release of the most damning evidence against them. Any evidence released too soon allows the slippery usurpers to formulate a defense.

Read more here.

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