Friday, December 29, 2017

Can anyone corroborate this story?

Ryan Hasman reports at ESPN News,
In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, (Lebron) James was asked about his beast-like brawn. He smirked and said, “It’s all thanks to my special vitamins”, while pulling a small bottle of pills out of his designer backpack. Little did LeBron know, that off-the-court play would be a defining moment of his career. When the interview was released, the headline indirectly accused LJ of using illegal substances. The author also said it’s impossible for a human to naturally put on 65 pounds of hard, lean muscle in just 18 months.

James held an emergency press conference to clear the air about his ‘Secret Weapon’ as he calls it. LeBron did admit that his pills have given him an unfair strength-advantage over his competitors. However, he says his magical supplement is not an illegal substance.

This mystery muscle builder is a supplement called Alpha Testosterone. It’s also known as Drug-Free Steroids. These little pills are a catalyst that burns fat and builds hard, lean muscle. And they are specially designed to take the average joe and give him superhuman strength and stamina.

When word got out, NBA commissioner, Adam Silver, requested an immediate meeting with LeBron and Dan Gilbert (owner of the Cavaliers). It’s not clear what exactly went on at the meeting, however what is known is: King James is officially on NBA probation until further notice. This is a crushing blow for Cleveland, who just won their first world title last year, and just lost to the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals.
I Googled "Is Lebron James on probation? No corroborating story came up. I think this whole story is an ad for these pills. Where did I see it? On Facebook, which is notorious for fake news stories. I looked for a date on the ESPN story. It does not give a date, but it has 2d, which I assume means it is two days old. No wonder both ESPN and Facebook have such bad reputations.

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