Friday, November 03, 2017

Was Oswald a low-level paid informant of the CIA?

Ace of Spades has this to say about a possible connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and the CIA.
I don't mean an actual operative, I mean maybe like a low-level paid informant. If so, it would explain the claims that the CIA and government generally have tried to cover stuff up. Not because he killed JFK on CIA orders, but because he would embarrass the agency, and as we keep seeing, government agencies will lie to the public rather than come in for a deserved round of embarrassment.

BTW I don't really even know if the government covered anything up. But I seem to remember some things from that JFK movie suggesting he had some association, maybe, with CIA operators.

Ace links to this compilation of theories, facts, and a video of Jack Ruby shooting Oswald at The Sun.

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