Sunday, November 19, 2017

Twitter tidbits

Some Twitter tweets I read last night: Werner Twertzog‏ believes cosmetic surgery does not conceal aging; it merely strips it of honor.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Trump administration is exploring a range of actions to stop Iran’s supply of sophisticated weapons to its Middle East allies. Noah Pollock replies, "I'm old enough to remember when removing sanctions on Iran and giving the regime billions in cash was going to make the Middle East a safer, more peaceful place."

Jonathan Martin of the NY Times writes,
The insistence that the press is overly tough on Trump is mystifying—and effectively a demand he be graded on curve.
To which Stephen Miller replies,
You’re not overly hard on Trump. The problem is you weren’t hard on the last guy at all & it’s amazingly transparent to everybody.

Byron York thinks
what Gillibrand, many in lefty press are saying is: It would be easier for us to attack our enemies today if we didn't have a history of scorched-earth defense of sexual misconduct in the 1990s. Therefore, we now think Bill Clinton should have resigned.

Shower Thoughts posted,
Whether rape allegations are true or false someone is a terrible person.

Razor tweeted,
2016: Put Bill & Hillary in the White House!
2017: Bill is a creep and we shouldn't have backed him.
2018: Put Joe Biden in the White House!

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