Saturday, November 18, 2017

"They were opportunists then, and they're opportunists now!"

Another hard-hitting show by Laura. She excoriates the Democrat "so-called feminists" who have supported Bill Clinton through all of his sexual shenanigans and happily welcomed his fundraising on their behalf.

Juanita Broaddrick ("Put some ice on that") and Paula Jones ($800,000 dollars richer because Bill Clinton settled out of court with her) appeared on tonight's program. I have always thought, since seeing the Lisa Meyers interview with her in the 1990s, that Juanita Broaddrick is highly credible. I had not heard Paula Jones speak in as much length as she did on tonight's show. Paula was upset that Kirsten Gillibrand only mentioned Monica Lewinsky who was "a consensual person doing stuff to Bill Clinton under the oval office desk!"

Laura believes President Trump has wrestled the party back to its Reagan roots. She has on Reagan biographer Craig Shirley and Mark Upgrove who is the author of a new book entitled The Last Republicans (about the Bushes).

Al Franken vs. Roy Moore in the "battle over equivalence." Her next guests were Kelly Jane Torrence, of the Weekly Standard and Ed Rollins, a Republican strategist who worked closely with Ronald Reagan. Kelly Jane wonders what it would be like if Roy Moore owned up to some inappropriate behaviors that happened 40 years ago, but then added that he has lived as a Christian man married with children the last 35 years. I agree with Ed Rollins, that Roy Moore will represent Alabama values better than his opponent, who was Bill Clinton's US Attorney.

Next, Laura looks at homelessness, especially in California, where Democrats have been in control a long time. Shirley Husar, CEO of Urban Game Changers, debated Democrat activist Clay Cane. Clay says one of the main problems is drug addiction, which "was never dealt with" (he means by the government probably). Laura mentions that a lot of the homeless are illegal immigrants. Shirley pins the blame on the Democrats who run California. She mentioned outbreaks of Hepatitis and measles. Clay twists Laura's words, saying that she is blaming homelessness on illegal immigrants. She is, in fact, blaming it on the government!

Next, we see Raymond Arroyo, who has been Laura's sidekick on her radio show for years. They talk about the culture.

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