Friday, November 17, 2017

Smart strategy, Franken!, A "team sport ethos," Juan's whines

Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters were not on tonight's The Five program. They were replaced by Pete Hegseth and Kennedy. Hegseth made the point that dozens of Republican senators have called for Roy Moore to step down and zero Democrat senators have called for Al Franken to resign. Both the Republican National Committee and the Republican Senatorial Fund withdrew funding for Moore's campaign.

Democrats are calling for an ethics investigation. Those would be the investigations that have taken place in the last decade: investigating 613 allegations, and zero Congress critters have had to resign! Smart strategy, Franken! Millions of taxpayer dollars have paid off the accusers.

Not to be outdone, Juan Williams starts raising his voice, complaining that the Alabama GOP is supporting Roy Moore, as are Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity. Hegseth stood up to Juan: "Why does Juan Williams get to decide whether a candidate stays in or resigns? Juan comes whining back, "Are you guys forgetting the charges against Donald Trump?

Kennedy reminds everyone of Hillary Clinton's role in destroying the reputations of Bill's accusers. Dana agrees and remembers 1997 well: "You couldn't see any women's groups defending Monica Lewinsky!" Why, because Bill Clinton always supported their causes!

Another Juan whine: the tax bill that passed in the House helps corporations. Hegseth was all over him again: "Corporations hire people!" Kennedy added an emotional response to Juan.

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