Friday, November 24, 2017

Lift the nondisclosure agreement now, Jeff Sessions!

Mueller now investigating Tony Podesta. Source? NBC News!

Russian spies working with Hillary? Source: The Hill!

Why do I point out the identity of sources? Because Sean keeps saying we hear nothing but crickets from the media. Last I looked, Sean, NBC and The Hill are part of the media.

However, kudos to Sean for persisting, asking questions that deserve answers regarding the sale of 20% of the uranium in the US was sold to the Russians.Uranium One. Eric Holder had to know. Mueller had to know. Obama had to know! Clinton Foundation gets $145 million! Bill Clinton gets $500,000 for one speech in Russia! We, American citizens, deserve to know! There is a source that wants to tell the whole story! The Attorney General has the authority to lift the non-disclosure agreement so the guy can testify!

Sean very generously gives credit to Sarah Carter of Circa News and Jon Solomon of The Hill for breaking this story.

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