Thursday, November 16, 2017

Can we trust love and faith again?

Regie Hamm writes,
...It feels like we, as a nation, are trying to destroy ourselves. All of our “rushes” seem to have played out. Our collective brain is numb; numb from screens and TV dramas that wrap up in 30 minutes or an hour (or never wrap up at all), and pretty faith that doesn’t feel like anything, and casual sex that has no consequence, and words that never inspire or elevate, and leaders that blame and posture, and music that pounds but never soars, and education that teaches hows, who’s, and whats …but never the whys, and malls that all sell the same trinkets, clothes and chicken tenders, and cars that are safer, and flights that are quicker, and shaves that are closer, and computers that are faster. And in this constant, comfortable noise, the very essence of our collective soul is disappearing.

We are like babies that have been showered with the best toys, cribs, blankets and bottles …but are not being held and loved.

...I want to believe we can trust love and faith again.
Read more here.

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