Thursday, November 16, 2017

"Allegation Nation"

Jessie Watters seems to have taken on the responsibility to be the one who points out the factual inaccuracy of Juan Williams' many efforts to criticize Republicans.

Greg believes the media is failing to take into consideration differences in scale, as we become "allegation nation." The media is throwing it all into one pot and stirring it up.

Greg says the world has moved on without the likes of Alec Baldwin and Joe Scarborough. They are in the entertainment industry, but Trump is better at it than they are. Greg and Kimberley agree Trump is the greatest president ever!

Juan happily cites polls which say that the majority of Americans don't support Trump's tax reform bill. I dare say the majority of Americans have no idea what is in the bill! Kimberley wants Trump to get out into the country and sell the plan.

Greg laments that we do such a poor job of explaining capitalism, why there is inequality. It's about mobility of people moving up or down in the freedom of the system.

A sheriff in Bend County Texas is concerned about "a breach of the peace" because of two signs a pickup truck driver prominently displayed.

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