Monday, October 23, 2017

Trying to diss us into submission

Kurt Schlichter writes in Town Hall,
...In place of trying to earn respect by demonstrating competence, they’ve chosen to try to diss us into submission. George W. Bush decided to go all Mean Girls in a speech that insulted his (former) supporters while delighting the left, and therefore the Never Trumpers. Now, if you read W's speech on paper, every word of it about bigotry being bad is true. But you give speeches in context, and here the context is decades of leftists and their media poodles falsely accusing the normals of racism and bigotry. So when W adopted that language, he also knowingly or negligently adopted that narrative; the former newspaper and current brochure known as the L.A. Times crowed: “In stunning attack, George W. Bush rebukes Trump, suggesting he promotes falsehoods and prejudice.”

And so, of course, the supporters of this Trump guy are therefore…. Well, you get the picture. That is, if you’re not being willfully obtuse, like the Fredocons, who were delighted that Bush decided to break his 16 years of super-principled silence in the face of liberal attacks to slander the very people who had voted for him and defended him. If being “principled” means letting liberals use you like a slit trench then trashing the people who had your back to please the people using you like a slit trench, you can keep your damned principles.

...we don’t owe the Bushes another chance any more than we owe one to the Clintons. Either Bush was intentionally utilizing this leftist narrative to launch a passive aggressive attack on the very people who supported and defended him, or he was grossly negligent by not anticipating that his speech would be taken in exactly the way it was taken – as an attack on the very people who supported and defended him. Either way, George W. Bush owes us normals an apology.

...I wonder if they think this amateur hour gaslighting ever fools anyone – exactly zero people said, “Gosh, even though I’m not a bigot, Bush and his buddies implicitly accusing me of bigotry by adopting that slanderous liberal narrative have convinced me that I should once again trust them as leaders of the conservative movement for some reason.”

This kind of disingenuous crap is why we despise the Fredocons. Like Bush, who has junior clan members he wants the normals to support someday, they won’t come out and trash normals directly. Bush got elected on normals’ votes, and Skippy Bush and Buffy Bush and Thurston Bush III will all need normals’ votes down the road, so he’ll try to get his snippy cheerleader digs in at the guy who humiliated his family without fully burning the bridges. But we’re woke, as the hep kids say, and Conservative, Inc., can’t thread that needle anymore. The problem for them is that we now know where their loyalty really lies – Bush and the rest had a choice between us and their YaleHarvardWherever Skull n’ Bonesey fellow travelers, and the choice was easy. At the end of the day, politics gives way to elitist courtesy, and Bush will sit giggling with Obama and Clinton before he dirties himself by associating with the guy we chose over Sr. Please Clap.

Do they think once Donald Trump is out of office, either after eight years or less if they manage to pull off some sort of deep-state coup in conjunction with the liberals they prefer to us, that we're just going to quit? Really? Can they truly imagine that Conservative, Inc., gets to start back up again when we come to our senses and get un-woke? Do they think they’ve got a path to victory, where victory is really just our submission to their prissy dictates?

...So, here's the thing, dorks. You don't get to win. You don't. You're finished. The Republican Party has changed, and it changed because of you. The fact is that people like you, and people like George W. Bush, are some of the biggest reasons we have Donald Trump. You managed to combine unearned self-guard, condescension, corruption, and a total inability to perform even the most basic tasks of governance into one pompous, annoying package. We're done with you, because you suck.

So stop trying to make Never Trump happen. It's not going to happen.
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. Our elite. Funny how they view themselves as superior to common folk.
