Saturday, October 21, 2017

The globalist economic path of the last 30+ years

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance responds to George W. Bush's insistence that globalism must remain our credo:
what appears on the horizon is a financial system where the U.S. dollar is the currency of allies, and crypto-currencies are the currency of adversaries.

Europe will have to decide which direction to take; the International Monetary Fund and world banking institutions will have to decide whose side to take.

Additionally, following the globalist economic path of the last 30+ years, the corrupted political lobbying system within the U.S. will lead to some U.S. politicians (GOPe and Dem UniParty members) siding with communist and totalitarian regimes against U.S. interests.

Watch this financial angle closely. This is the epicenter of why President Trump has labeled the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as terror entities. The U.S. State Department and U.S. Treasury can take punitive action (financially) against identified and defined terrorist networks.

This is the “Big Stuff” the U.S. corporate media will never discuss. Unfortunately, the media has a vested ideological stake in the outcome and cannot be guaranteed to align with freedom. The western media, writ large, are more sympathetic toward totalitarian perspectives and globalism: where a clustered group of exclusive “elites” control the masses.

Hence, corporately controlled media can be predicted to sympathetically point out: A.) that North Korea is really just a misunderstood regime who really cares about its people; B.) China’s communism must not be too bad because look at all the stuff they generate; and C.) Iran is simply acting like a disgruntled teenager lashing out at those who don’t allow them to express their feelings… etc.

However, hidden well behind the narratives we discover the motives, the real motives. There are trillions of dollars at stake and control over the masses therein by a few hand-selected control agents.
Read more here.

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