Thursday, October 26, 2017

Our institutions are thoroughly corrupt

JJ Sefton writes today at Ace of Spades,
Good morning kids. Well, the dam seems ready to burst wide open about what we all knew or minimally suspected for quite some time; that the real criminals in this country are with the institutional Left, the Democrat party, the Deep State Bureaucracy and the Media-Cultural-Academia Complex. And sitting on top of that toxic heap of corruption are the Clintons, Obama and their minions who have corrupted everything they could get their paws on since, minimally, January 20th, 1993. The other part of the axis of evil would be the money; not just what could be looted from the Treasury (legislatively and otherwise) but by truly twisted individuals such as George Soros, Tom Steyer, and others with deep pockets and shallow morality.

The most disturbing and dangerous part of all of this is the fact that it is now evident that the institutions we presume are independent of politics, law enforcement and intelligence, are thoroughly corrupt and committed to the globalist-leftist agenda of preserving, protecting and defending the 100 years slow-motion putsch to overthrow the United States as founded. Whatever your personal opinion of the President may be, his election threw a giant orange monkey wrench into all of that, and in so doing has exposed the rot that is tearing apart our most sacred institutions, ideals, culture, and identity.

I suppose we can all sort of grumble and be cynical that no way in hell the major players in all of this will ever see the inside of a prison cell, let alone sit in the dock - and I too am resigned to that more than likely outcome. But if we can just look to the long arc of history, maybe all of this is a turning point. Maybe it is the few first steps on a thousand mile, the multi-generational road back. In any case, so many crucial institutions that led us to where we are have been so thoroughly corrupted it will take decades to cleanse them, specifically academia which is where all of this comes from. 45+ years of brainwashing several generations of American minds has led to the rejection of free speech, the purging of monuments, the erasure of history and national self-loathing, to the extent that violence from bike locks to the head to gunfire at softball games and open-air concerts is seen as justified and even necessary.

And yet, here we are. With everything arrayed against our President and us, they have not been able to beat us. In fact just the opposite; the media is looked upon as at best a joke and at worst abject liars, the sham GOP is being dismantled despite the money and influence of billionaire cronies at the CoC, and the Democrat party is now so far to the left (and in a civil war within itself even more brutal than the GOP) that it's phony image of centrism/compassion has been exploded. Yet beyond us and the base who are, as they say, "woke," the one-third of the nation that is or was too stupid or apathetic to care is slowly being shown the truth, and are not happy about what they are seeing.

For now, let's just enjoy the show day by day as the cockroaches scurry to find cover when the kitchen light of truth is flipped on.
Read more here.

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