Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Israel in the news today

In The Morning Rant at Ace of Spades, CBD writes,
Israel must be a really bad place. Worse than North Korea or Iran or Myanmar or Sudan or Venezuela. I mean, they let gays live, and let Arabs vote, and even allow churches and mosques. And worst of all, they have plenty of food, and free speech too! I can see why the world wants to fling poo at them.
Israeli Judo Champion Wins Gold In Abu Dhabi, Which Won't Acknowledge Israel. So He Sings Israeli National Anthem Himself.

When Tal Flicker, the Israeli judo champion, won the gold medal in Abu Dhabi, which refused to play the Israeli national anthem or display the flag of Israel, and played the theme of the International Judo Federation instead, he decided he would protest in the only way left to him: he quietly sang the Israeli national anthem himself.

Those of you who have been to Israel understand that the most fervent desire of most Israelis is to have a good life; peaceful and productive and interesting. The idea that Israel fixates on the "Palestinian problem" is laughable. What they want is security and peace. That the world not only does not recognize this, but actively pursues policies that marginalize a vibrant pluralistic democracy, simply because it is Jewish, makes a mockery of the platitudes often spoken about the Holocaust. They are just pissed that Hitler wasn't more successful.

In other news brought to us by Hank Berrien at The Daily Wire, On Monday afternoon, Israeli Defense Forces destroyed a network of terror tunnels near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, according to AFP. The Times of Israel reported at least seven terrorists were killed, although other estimates ran as high as 12.

IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus stated: "[The IDF] neutralized a terror tunnel leading into southern Israel from the vicinity of Khan Yunis. The tunnel was detonated from within Israel, close to the security fence. The (IDF's) actions are in light of this grave and unacceptable violation of Israeli sovereignty."

According to Brigadier General Ronen Manelis, the tunnel ran deep into Israeli territory.

On Sunday, Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon announced that there was a tunnel underneath a Gaza school run by the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees. He accused Hamas of using UNRWA facilities as “terror bases” and Gazan children as “human shields,” adding, “Yet another terror tunnel under an UNRWA schoolyard. This is what Hamas rule looks like and this is more proof of the double war crime committed as terror tunnels are built to attack Israelis, while using the children of Gaza as human shields.”

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