Sunday, October 01, 2017

Her red pill moment? When she tried to do anti-bullying work and the Left did hit pieces on her!

Are you familiar with the Gamergate scandal? Journalists? No, activists and hitmen employed by the Washington Post and New Yorker thought Candace had technology that would "out" trolls. Kickstarter pulled the project: Anti-bullying! The only media organ that covered her story accurately was Breitbart! The Twitter employee was running the anti-harassment chapter! What a disgrace!

Candace learned firsthand the Left's intolerance. Dave predicts the next "group" that will be hit by the Left are the Asians. Why? Because so many are successful. Minorities cannot be successful! They must be victims!

Candace has also struck an international nerve when she talks about how the media affects our psychology.

Are public schools teaching children to be liberals? Here in Santa Fe, the answer is yes!

Candace is one of the few I have heard say that she likes the fact that Trump tweets. Why? Because no matter what he says the media always spins it to fit their narrative.

She believes that the media is spiraling downward to its death. People are waking up. People are hungry for truth!

Once you start realizing how things actually work, then you are a red-pilled individual (from The Matrix).

What are the issues in the black community? Prison reform, education, getting fathers back with their wives and children.

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