Friday, October 20, 2017

"Fancy that! A racketeering scheme centered on the Clintons! Who'da thunk it?"

I think this point by Mark Steyn is spot on:
One of the lessons learned by the Clintons back in the Nineties is that, if you're gonna have a scandal, have a hundred of 'em. And then it's all too complicated and just gives everyone a big headache, and they go back to watching "Friends" or "Baywatch" or whatever it was back then. When a scandal gets too easy to follow, that's where the danger lies.
He adds,
And the only reason anyone ponied up money to the "foundation" is that it was assumed a Clinton would be head of state again in a couple of years - just as the tedious requirements of the Russian constitution required Putin to take a break (albeit entirely nominally) from being head of state for a couple of years. After November 8th, the price for Clinton speeches mysteriously dropped 98 per cent - so the Clintons closed their "foundation". But by then it had served its purpose.

...So, if, like all these big-hearted Saudi princes and Canuck uranium execs, you give money to the Clinton Foundation because you care about starving Third World urchins, for every million bucks you hand over, a full 64 grand goes to the Third World urchins and the remaining $936,000 is the processing fee.

...The problem flagged by Charity Navigator and other watchdogs focuses on what the Clinton Foundation does with the money it raises (whether ethically or not). The Foundation's profligacy and failure to spend a significant percentage of its funds on its alleged mission would be of concern even if there were no ethical problems associated with the Clintons' fundraising.

...Only at the FBI could you investigate the Clinton uranium deal for over six years - until Hillary is too far advanced on her path to the Democrat nomination for it to be politically feasible to stop her. Fifty per cent of America remains committed to not noticing the stench of the Clinton "Foundation" ...and not seeing any - what's the word? - collusion between Bill and Hill's hundred mil and Vladimir Putin's mountain of uranium.

...Any chance justice will finally come a-callin' for the Clintons? I suppose anything's possible. To get away with the "Foundation" scam for as long as Bill and Hill did would be a challenge for most of us. To do it under a six-year Mueller/Comey FBI investigation testifies yet again to the uniquely charmed lives these two lead...

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