Saturday, October 21, 2017

Coming out of the closet as an Establishment Republican Swamp Thing.

At Town Hall, Todd Starnes writes,
...I would expect Obama to undermine Trump -- that's what he does -- he's a community organizer. It's in his nature - he's an agitator.

But George W. Bush -- yeah -- well, his blindside against the president was mighty disappointing. I respected that man -- I knew he was a fake conservative - but he took care of our military -- he looked after the troops. He defended religious liberty. That speech he gave on the pile of rubble after 9-11 - one of the best speeches in modern presidential history.

So now you understand the lay of the land - ladies and gentlemen.

Establishment Republicans and Democrats on one side, We the People on the other.

When Obama shoved Obamacare down our throats, Bush turned the other way.

When Obama apologized for America on foreign soil, Bush was silent.

When Obama declared a war on police officers - Bush offered nary a peep.

When Obama waged war on religious liberty - Bush was AWOL.

And when Barack Obama vowed to fundamentally transform America -- George W. Bush -- stood down. Mission Accomplished.

So - maybe his speech yesterday in New York City -- was just Bush showing his true colors -- coming out of the closet as an Establishment Republican Swamp Thing.
Read more here.

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