Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Clearing up some facts about the Russian Steele dossier

Mollie Hemingway posts at The Federalist ten important things about the Russian Steele dossier.
1) Russian officials were sources of key claims in dossier

2) No, the Russian dossier was not initially funded by Republicans

3) The dossier is chock full of discredited information

4) The dossier was used as a basis for wiretaps on American citizens

5) The FBI also paid for the dossier

6) Dossier publisher Fusion GPS works with shady outfits

7) Fusion GPS’ ties to media are problematic

8) Jim Comey personally briefed Trump on the dossier, shortly before CNN reported it

9) Mueller investigation spurred by dossier and illegal leaks from intelligence operatives about Trump

10) The Steele dossier was a Clinton/DNC-funded operation supported by the FBI and influenced heavily by Russian operatives in the Kremlin
Go here to read how Mollie fleshes out each of these points.

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