Tuesday, October 03, 2017

And Paul Ryan rushed to bow and scrape to Hillary

John Hinderaker writes at PowerLine,
...Hillary Clinton couldn’t come up with any “common sense” legislation that hypothetically would have stopped Paddock’s rampage, so she did the next best thing. She used the mass murder to oppose a proposal to eliminate a $200 federal tax on silencers (or suppressors, as they are more accurately called). The tax has no purpose other than to suppress the sales of silencers, which protect against hearing loss. Her tweet:

2 Oct
Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton
Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.
Hillary Clinton ✔@HillaryClinton
The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.

Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
8:03 AM - Oct 2, 2017
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Hillary knows nothing about firearms. (But she doesn’t know anything about economics, either, and she never let that stand in her way.) When gunpowder explodes, it makes a loud noise. People who have fired guns for decades without using ear protection are often close to deaf. Suppressors don’t make rifles silent; rather they suppress the sound so as to prevent, to some degree, hearing loss. The sound of a suppressed rifle has been likened in decibels to that of a jackhammer.

The idea that a “silenced” rifle wouldn’t have been heard by Las Vegas concert-goers, and that they wouldn’t have noticed that fellow concert-goers were being shot and falling down, is an absurd fantasy. Hillary’s tweet is a disgusting example of a politician’s attempt to make hay out of a tragedy.

Not that there is anything wrong with using a natural or human-induced disaster to make a public policy point, as long as you wait until the bodies are cold (which Hillary didn’t). If politicians have constructive solutions to hurricanes, tornadoes, mass murders or anything else, they should be free to advocate for them.

The problem in the case of mass shooter incidents is that the Democrats don’t actually have a constructive solution. They fail to acknowledge the vast web of statutes and regulations that already surround firearms, and the solutions they propose are thin gruel that would not prevent anything. So they are simply trying to fire up their ill-informed base. Most people realize this, so it doesn’t work.
Read more here.

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