Friday, October 27, 2017

Amnesia, learning more about JFK assassination, Scandal, Halloween

The Russians have a department of sabotage and assassinations!

A British newspaper got a warning of the JFK assassination 25 minutes before JFK was shot!

We were planning to assassinate Castro.

Oswald met with Russian assassination teams in Cuba!

My advice for the producer of this show: Tell cast members to refrain from talking while another person is talking! Same advice for Tucker Carlson's producer!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has amnesia. She doesn't remember spending millions of dollars on the Steele dossier. The DNC and Hillary campaign colluded with Russia with the FBI's blessing! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Jesse: You know when a scandal is real when the Left blames Fox News! The story did not originate at Fox. It originated with Peter Schweizer's book Clinton Cash and current reporting by The Hill.

Halloween is Tuesday and the costume PC people are out in full force again this year. Identity politics infects and then divides.

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