Sunday, September 24, 2017

Where will Trump take his movement; or will the movement take itself?

I am interested in the Alabama Republican primary Tuesday. Trump is supporting Luther Strange, the man appointed to replace Jeff Sessions when Trump picked Sessions to be Attorney General. Do you know about Judge Roy Moore? He was twice removed from the State Supreme Court. Jenna Johnson reports in the Washington Post,
Moore outperformed Strange in the first round of the Republican primary last month and has been leading in several polls ahead of Tuesday’s contest. He is best known for having been twice removed from the Alabama Supreme Court — first in 2003, when he refused to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the court building, and again in 2016 when he ordered the state’s probate judges to defy the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.

Trump Cabinet member Ben Carson, Sarah Palin, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka are among the supporters of Judge Roy Moore. Although Trump spoke at a rally Friday night for Strange,
who has attracted the heavy financial support of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s political action committee,
many of the Trump supporters at the rally were supporting Moore, according to Johnson.

Tuesday’s runoff primary election between Strange and Moore presents an early test of the president and the extent of his influence over the political movement that he sparked. In coming elections, it remains to be seen where Trump takes that movement — or where the movement takes itself. Numerous Trump supporters here said that a Moore win should not be viewed as a Trump loss.
Read more here.

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