Wednesday, September 20, 2017

When the media acted as a propaganda tool for the Obama regime waging a campaign to discredit its successor

Don Surber writes,
...The war on terrorism – not political spying – was the reason Congress increased the power of the National Security Agency to monitor domestic communications.

The press did not wish to report. Reporters preferred to report on what officials said were in the wiretapped transcripts rather than on the wiretapping itself. The crazy-like-a-fox president used Twitter to force them to cover the issue. His inexact tweets were a trap. Fools rush in.

...But the information did not stay within national security agencies. We know this because intelligence agencies leaked the information to the Times for its Inauguration Day front-page story on the wiretapping itself. Far from being a member of a free press, the Times acted as a propaganda tool for a past regime waging a campaign to discredit its successor. Other news organizations followed the lead of the Times.
Read more here.

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