Saturday, September 23, 2017

There is Beauty All Around

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

My soul is in need of a celebration of life this day. So, I am going to forgo politics and woes for this week’s presentation and instead share some lovely things I’ve seen over the past weeks that remind me there is so much good in the world, even amidst the sorrows and strife that all too often abound.

At the top of my recent happiness list has to be the memory of our little three year old granddaughter, Reese, dancing at her birthday party. Just doing a lil happy dance, all alone, ‘cause I had given her a piece of chocolate. Most of our grandchildren love chocolate. But, my lil Miss Reese may be well be the most chocoholic among them. And, she especially loves to share “chotlit” with MawMaw (AKA: me). A bonus of happiness was given on this occasion since I was with my husband, both our daughters, six of our grandchildren, our two sons-in-law, and a dear friend.

These past three weekends I was blessed to see my dear husband, Pete, go off to help with Hurricane Harvey cleanup projects in Houston. Last weekend our daughter, Amanda, and her daughter, Lorelle, also went to help. It does my heart good to know that I am part of a family that cares about others. That my sweet husband has passed on his belief in service to our children and grandchildren.

I know walls being ripped out and grubby work-clothes may seem an odd sign of beauty, but it is the vision of the service they represent that makes my heart sing, It is so wonderful to see stories of people coast to coast stepping up to help those suffering from devastation due to fire-n-flood. God bless America in this time of need. As well as our neighbors who are suffering from their own disasters.

Last night I got double-dosed with beauty! First we went to dinner and the symphony with our daughter, Amanda, and her husband, Ray. The music was such a treat for the ears and the soul. Then, I got to see the pictures of our oldest granddaughter, Logan, as she was all dressed up for her first homecoming dance. What a delight to the eyes! She is quite a lovely young lady. Cute all the time, but a bit of a knockout when all primped and prettied.

I live in Texas. Texas: where the seasons are made up and the calendar don’t matter. So, we are currently having a bit of Springtime in the midst of Indian Summer. I have so many trees and flowers blooming that I cannot possibly list them all. Many are summer or fall bloomers, but some are spring bloomers, which makes it a lil bit over-the-top in the color array right now. It has been a real joy to go outside and see the rainbow of blossoms on display. Especially since they are against a lush backdrop of green due to some extra rain during what is often a dry part of year for us.
There really is beauty all around, if we just take the time to look, listen, laugh, and love. To count the blessings we are given each and every day. To appreciate the people in our lives. Stop for just a few minutes each day to think about what you have seen or heard that made your day a little brighter. Take a moment to tell someone how they enrich your life. We should drink in the beauty of our lives and we should share that beauty with others. Life truly is a gift from God. Don’t waste it just focusing on the ugliness. Find the joy and pass it along!


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