Thursday, September 28, 2017

Police State: "egregious banana republic behavior by the Obama administration"

Mark wonders if you think it is odd that in the 2016 election both candidates for president were under federal investigation. How about the fact that James Comey was not only the law enforcement officer in charge of the Hillary investigation, but he also appointed himself prosecutor when he decided to give her a pass on her criminal activities.

Nobody has named a single thing that Donald Trump did that was illegal. Yet, he has been under investigation by the same FBI for well over one year. Mueller's men picked the lock of former Trump campaign manager's home, then searched his wife in her pajamas. The New York Times admiringly called that "setting a tone!" Usually, when police state behavior like this happens, it is in the service of the ruling regime. But in this case, it is in the service of the permanent bureaucracy! The tone he is setting is banana republic secret police!

The justification for picking the lock is that Manafort is going to destroy evidence. But Manafort is represented by big-time attorneys who have cooperated with every request for documents. The reason they took away everything is to find some infraction he has committed, and then they'll offer him a deal to serve up Trump to them! The Department of Justice wins 97% of the cases they take to court, which is a rate of conviction that Kim Jong Un would find impressive!

The FBI was wiretapping Manafort from 2014-2016. They didn't get the goods on him, so they stopped. Then not the FBI, but the Obama administration resumed the wiretapping in late 2016 and continuing to 2017, eavesdropping on the conversations between Manafort and the incoming president.

The Obama administration is using national security for eavesdropping on its domestic opponents.

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