Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel's threat of violence, Andrew's 60s experience, Dr. Helen Smith speaks up for men

Andrew brings us the video of Jimmy Kimmel threatening violence against Brian Kilmeade, and says this is the way it goes with the Left. First, there is the sob story, then the effort to hector citizens, then push bigger government control over our lives.

I am glad I "missed" the aspects of the 60s that Andrew talks about.

Dr. Helen Smith (Mrs. Instapundit) thinks men nowadays are treated as disposable objects who are there for the availability of women. Society tells women, "You should have it all. Anytime there is a problem, it is always the man's fault. Men still very much want a bond, a relationship. If things go wrong in a relationship, a man gets the full brunt of it legally. More and more young men are withdrawing from society. Young men's rights to due process were taken away in the Obama administration."

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