Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Decepticons Walk Among US

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I see so much harm right now in our society that is being caused by deceit. Deceit can take many forms and is currently running rampant in our world. Not that deceit has not been with us from the beginning. It most certainly has! But, at least it used to have to cower a bit more in the shadows rather than right out there in full view, still not being condemned.

The basic definition of deceit is “the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. It can also be called misleading, fraud, duplicity, cheating, falseness, trick, or stratagem. Theft usually goes along arm-in-arm with deceit. Obscurity, denial, and omission are frequently used in conjunction with acts of deceit, too.

In the biblical scripture John 8:44 we are told, in reference to the devil, “. . . He . . . abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” Satan well and truly was the first decepticon among us. Con Artists, liars, and thieves have learned well from his example.

One prime example I have seen this past couple of weeks is the fraud of “charities”. So many of the organizations people trust to help others have turned out to just be groups bent on raking in the big bucks and hanging on to them. Thankfully there have also been those true charities and volunteers who have actually stepped up to the plate to give both time and money to help following the disasters of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Along with this, I am grateful that the social media aspect of the Internet is really helping expose those who are in it for their greed and not someone else’s need!

There is also the ever-present corruption of politics. It seems we will never rid ourselves or our governments of those who are perfectly willing to lie, cheat, and steal rather than protect and serve. What makes it even more dangerous in this day and age in America is that they now have the full and active complicity of the so-called “free-press” or mainstream media to spread their lies or cover them up, whichever is most needful at the time. Thankfully this is another place where we also have social media and various blogs that are managing to get the truth out there for folks to see.

I cannot possibly cover all the ways deceit is practiced by people. But, I can mourn that it is ever seeming to be more and more acceptable. People can now practice it in the full light of day and need not hide in the dark of night. All too often it is just excused as being “the way things are done” and “we can’t really do anything about it”.

Well, I say we can do something about it. We can quit supporting charities, politicians, and companies who lie, cheat, and steal. We can go back to teaching our children right from wrong. We can again admit that the concepts of “good” or “evil” exist. We can choose to serve God while acknowledging the existence of Satan. We can choose to be ethical and moral. We can embrace higher standards. We can transform ourselves into something better. I know I would prefer to be a transformer and not a decepticon!


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