Sunday, September 03, 2017

Dang! She’s Good!!!

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I am so impressed with Melania Trump. She is not just a lady, she is a woman! A sight to behold and a power to be reckoned with. Beautiful, smart, intelligent, and not about to let anyone walk all over her. No matter whether it is in boots, tennies, or stilettos!!! And, she does it all with a quiet graciousness and dignity, while wearing a smile . . . and, maybe a baseball cap.

I thought she was amazing enough on her first trip to Texas. But, on this last trip she showed the same kind of Steel Magnolia strength found in our Southern and Texas women when she wore her high heels to climb aboard Air Force One dressed like a fashion plate, then came out of the plane in Houston dressed to go to work in denim, tennies, and another FLOTUS baseball cap.

And, go to work she did! Passing out boxes, visiting with survivors, and pretty much giving the ol’ middle finger to the lame tamed media without ever saying a word. Essentially her attire said it all for her. Particularly the baseball hat. ‘Cause this one said FLOTUS on the back, but the front said, “Texas” and said it all! Many of us liked her before, but we gonna love her now. She definitely earned an honorary “Southern belle” title in my book.

I was raised to be a lady, but I was also raised to never let ‘em get me down. And, the lame tamed media has certainly been trying to drag Miz Melania down from the get-go. Well, I think they took on a fight they cannot possibly win. She is one iron fist in a velvet glove lady. And, she does it all with such a sweet expression.

There is an old joke about Southern belles that came into my mind when I saw Mrs. Trump’s outfit today that was such a loud message to the media. It goes like this:
Two young women, Amy and Anna, are out on the veranda. Amy turns to Anna and says, “You see this plantation, that goes as far as the eye can see? My daddy left that to me when he passed away”
Anna looks out at all the land and turns back to her friend responding, “How lovely.”
Amy goes on to say, “You see all this livestock, and all the crops, my daddy left this to me.”
Anna again responds with a simple “How lovely”.
Amy continues, “You see this beautiful mansion, the cars, everything in the house, my daddy left it all to me.”
Anna glances around at everything and again a simple “How lovely”, is all she says.
Amy, not pleased with her friend’s lack of enthusiasm, asks, “Well, what did your daddy leave you?”
Without a pause, Anna looks at her friend and says, “My daddy didn’t have a lot of money or nice things to leave me, instead he sent me to finishing school where they taught me to say “How lovely” instead of “Screw you.”

I think Melania’s graciousness says, ”How lovely” while her wardrobe choices say, “Screw you” to the media and their constant criticism. All I wanna say about their coverage is, “How lovely!”


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